
Leon MichailidisBack to list of consultantsReturn to List of Consultants

Full Name: Leon Michailidis
Position: Principal Consultant
Consultancy: Equal Management Services
ABN: 52 293 014 858
Postal Address: PO Box 313
Mobile: 61 419 761 021
Telephone: 61 8 6210 1665
Facsimile: 61 8 6210 1660
Email: [email protected]




  • Bachelor of Engineering (Civil)
  • Certificate in Quality Technology
  • Registered Lead Quality Auditor (IRCA)
  • Registered Lead OH&S Auditor (RABQSA)
  • Registered Lead Environmental Auditor (RABQSA)
  • Registered IMS Auditor (Civil Contractors Federation)
  • Registered Rail Safety Auditor (Public Transport Authority of WA)


  • Institution of Engineers, Australia
  • RABQSA International(Fellow)
  • Australian Institute of Management

Summary of Experience:

After a number of years on various engineering assignments, Leon began working in the management field whilst in the construction industry. In 1994, Leon left engineering as an occupation and founded Equal Group.

Significant infrastructure projects Leon has been associated total with over $2 billion, and include the Perth Urban Rail Electrification Project, Northern Suburbs Railway Project, the Graham Farmer Freeway Project, and New Metro Rail Project.

Leon's business development experiences have included the growth of Equal Group into an international consultancy and assurance co-operative, as well as assisting numerous small business and larger corporations with on-going business development advice and consultancy.

Leon continues to work in the field of organisational development, providing consulting services in areas such as organisational reviews, process improvement, procurement management, strategic planning and facilitation, and related services.

In particular, Leon maintains proven experience in the following industries:

- engineering and construction;
- transport and storage;
- waste management and environmental services;
- water supply and related industries;
- mining and quarrying; and
- state and local government administration.

Leon has also designed and delivered numerous training courses and seminars on all aspects of quality management, including auditor training. He also continues to present and publish papers on a variety of management issues, both at the national and international level.